Mi Sangre

A nostalgic journey through the emotions, memories, and images of a cherished and missed Mexico from the past.

"Mi Sangre" is a visceral trip the photographer Roj Rodriguez took in search of his Mexican roots and heritage. A project where traditions, places, faces, trinkets, and other iconography mingle in a very personal and sensory experience.

In the author's words, this project's whole idea was triggered by a song-Una Sangre, One Blood- a song that eventually gave its name to the book, and the lyrics were used as quotes.

Since the book was meant to be intuitive and driven by images and memories, it definitely called for a soundtrack to enhance the whole sensory experience.

A unique Spotify QR code directed to a playlist of evocative song tracks connected with the imagery and heritage portrayed in the book, becoming the official soundtrack of the project and the book itself.

A trip to the emotions, feelings, memories, and images from the past of a Mexico that is remembered and missed with a lot of nostalgia and sentiment.

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